The same Winter that I first contacted Tim was also my first year of classroom teaching and I was experiencing a professional crisis, feeling SURE within myself that I had made the wrong decision in becoming a teacher. It was also a time of trial for my family as we learned some new things and struggled to communicate what we needed from one another.  This was also the Winter that my mom's breast cancer reemerged in her liver.
I began to see a counselor at that time and explored the possibility that depression may be affecting the way I was interpreting life.  My counselor helped me to take thoughtful steps each week rather than make uncalculated decisions and encouraged me to begin preparing ASAP if I was going to pursue a missions trip to Russia.  I began listening to Russian language instruction and practicing over and over again basic Russian phrases.  Surprisingly, learning the language came relatively easy to me.

Mom's diagnosis came in January 2008  and she passed away May 2nd. Her illness and death awakened me from the trans-like survival mode I had been operating in and allowed me to better process all the crises happening around me.  When mom passed, It became obviously clear that Russia would have to wait.  My grief needed time to simmer and flavor up into healing and health. 

I can not overstate the power of God and nearness of Him during those days and how that season has prepared me for the call overseas.        

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    Shannon Esboldt

    DOB: 08/08/1983
    Hometown: Cottage Grove, MN
    Occupation: 3rd Grade Teacher-
    Royal Oaks Elementary School
    in Woodbury, MN


    July 2012
    June 2012

