I did NOT want to go to Nebraska.  On my weekend?  Weekends were so precious!
When I met with Tim for coffee he asked if I would be coming to Nebraska.  I asked "what will be happening at the workshop?"
He answered, "It's going to be really good.  We are bringing in four speakers..."
(I gave him a look as if I were peering over the top of spectacles) "uh, yes- all of the speakers will speak in Russian."
I asked, "I am willing to come, but is it truly going to benefit me?"
"It will.  It will.  You'll meet the people you'll be traveling with and get to know the team members."

Tim's insistance on my going was wise.  After all, if I couldn't handle 3 days in Nebraska with a group of Russians, how would I handle 3 weeks in Russia itself?

Now, I had been reading the book Kisses From Katie (see my Inspirations page) which is the story of an American college freshman who moves to Uganda by herself to minister to the children.  As I read her story, which was annoyingly upbeat ;), I kept thinking to myself, "I'll bet this is TOTALLY something you would do."  Sure enough, Katie eventually describes herself as adventurous, ambitious, and spontaneous.  Let me get one thing clear about myself:
I am a bit of a home body who prefers the company of tried and true friends and family and who also struggles with a little bit of social anxiety and depression. 

Certainly, I have grown in Christ and the above description matches me less and less each year.  But, in general, an 8 hour bus trip and weekend with strangers who prefer not to speak my language would completely itimidate and exhaust me.  I was not looking forward to the weekend.

But an incredible thing happened once I determined in my heart to go.  As I drove to Shakopee on Friday night to load the 'Russian Bus' I prayed and told God, "well, I'm going.  I won't turn back.  You lead me."  As soon as I handed my suitcase to the driver and he stowed it away in the back a peace and calm and even excitement rose up within me.  These senses stayed with me the entire weekend and I can say that I truly enjoyed myself!  It was good to get to know some of the college students who were on the trip (once we got over the laguage difficulty) and get some experience with Russian culture.  I even got to practice some of my own Russian language skills while being immersed in it at the same time.  Mainly I got to practice the phrase, "I don't understand Russian" but several people complimented me on my pronunciation :)

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    Shannon Esboldt

    DOB: 08/08/1983
    Hometown: Cottage Grove, MN
    Occupation: 3rd Grade Teacher-
    Royal Oaks Elementary School
    in Woodbury, MN


    July 2012
    June 2012

